So, Noah wanted to write a letter to Santa Claus this year. In his Christmas colouring book there was a page dedicated to just that. Anyway, I was in the basement and he came downstairs with the book and announced "Mommy I wrote Dear Santa in my book, can you show me how to spell Operation?" So, not only had he read that it said "Dear Santa", he had already copied it out and wanted more to write. I mean, I always knew he was smart but reading and writing already! Wow! Well, I wrote out what he wanted to say and he copied it. I was so proud I photocopied it before we mailed the original off to the North Pole. Here it is below. He didn't quite get the "leave spaces between words lesson" and his "g" is backwards but I think it's pretty awesome for a four year old. It reads:
Dear Santa
I want the Operation Game for Christmas
Love Noah
This is really all he wants for Christmas. I know it's shocking but if you ask him what else he wants he says nothing. What a great kid! Makes shopping easy.

Here's Noah posing with his letter. I think he is pretty proud of it too.

The boys really wanted their picture taken so here it is. They are so awesome!
1 comment:
Sure makes me wish I'd gotten him the operation game! :)
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