Monday, December 10, 2007


So, Auntie Kim's mom (Donna) had some free tickets to the Aquarium and since Auntie Kim and Uncle Kyle had already been they gave us their tickets. On Saturday we took the boys to the Aquarium. Noah had a blast. His favorite area was the tropics which had sharks, tropical fish, tree boa snakes, caymans, and even sloths (all things found on Diego). He also really liked the Jellyfish which he found in his "Aquarium Book" made by his big cousin Olivia. Thanks Olivia!

So, they have these bubbles you can stick your head into and see frogs through....Greg thought it would be funny if him and Noah made some fish faces. He was right, it was funny.

Isaiah had a good time at the Aquarium too. He rode in his stroller and enjoyed looking at all the fish, whales, seals, and animals. Here he is by the kids play area just after lunch time. Such a happy kid, you can't even tell that he is sick...still!

Here are Greg and Noah looking into the shark tank. I tried to get a picture of the sharks and turtles at the same time but it didn't work. Noah is pointing the shark out to me in case I couldn't see it!

In Noah's words, this was the best weekend ever. We went to the Christmas Parade on Friday, the Aquarium on Saturday, Elliot and Julle came over Saturday night and we had pizza and cake, and on Sunday it snowed. Wow...what a weekend! Can't wait to see how he feels about Christmas!

Friday, November 23, 2007

Fall Falk Family Fotos and Update

My two trick-or-treaters on Halloween....Spiderman and Leo the Lion! Surrounded by their huge pumpkins grown by Grandpa from Summerland. Thanks Grandpa.

Noah's favorite thing to do now when Isaiah wakes up in the morning or after his nap is go and climb in with him. By the time I get there this is what they are doing. Isaiah is smiling....yes, he smiles with his mouth wide open and Noah likes to copy him.

The boys got some new "Winter Jammies". Noah picked Diego (shocking) and Isaiah....well, I picked his because they were cute....tool jammies with a toolbelt stuffed with a drill and hammer. FUN!

So, Christmas is almost here and not much is new with us. Noah is playing soccer and after a couple of rough weeks where he wouldn't participate he is now doing everything and having a great time. I'm not going to lie, he is by far the best 3 year old out there hands down! As for Isaiah, he is doing great. He just got over a bout of pneumonia (which may be common for him in the next couple of years) but is doing great otherwise. About a month ago he started cruising along furniture, crawling, and walking with someone while only holding one hand. I'm not sure he will walk by 9 months like Noah did but you never know....this kid is determined.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Noah's 3rd Birthday

Noah turned 3 on October 11th and we decided to celebrate! On thursday we went out for his birthday dinner. We were going to let him choose where we went but we really didn't want to go to the parental unit decided where we would go and we ended up at White Spot. Noah had a Cheeseburger Pirate Pack with a strawberry milkshake and strawberry ice cream. Then on Saturday we had his party with family and friends. Here are some pictures of the Spiderman party....we weren't able to convince Noah to dress as Spiderman...a little shy perhaps?!

As ususal Auntie Cindi outdid herself in the cake department. Here is Noah's Spiderman cake. Deliciously Amazing! Thanks Auntie Cindi!

The kids (with help from the adults) painted their own shirts during the party. I think they had fun and hopefully they enjoy wearing their new shirts.

With 11 kids at the party they needed to have somewhere to sit and eat their lunch. Here are some of them enjoying the feast at the three tables. On the left Olivia, Malcolm, and Riley and on the right Jacob, Noah and Quinn.

Noah was a little shy with all the present opening attention being placed on him. So, to prepare himself, he opened presents in his car in case he needed to make a quick getaway! Just kidding, he only lasted in the car for one present and then he sat down with the other kids. Overall the party was a success. Noah had fun and was spoiled (as per usual). We can't believe he is three time flies!

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Pumpkin Patchin'

So, every year we take the (was kid now) kids to the pumpkin patch. This year we decided to go while it was still semi-warm and dry out. Who would have thought that would be more fun than cold and rainy? Anyways, we had a great time at the Apple Barn. There were about 10 other people there so it wasn't too crowded. We checked out the animals, the pumpkin patch, and the playground. Isaiah had a blast and so did Noah. We didn't get any sizeable pumpkins as Grandpa from Summerland is bringing some big pumpkins down (pictures to follow later) for the boys. We did get some mini-gourds and have named them Jimmy and Jerry...a la Veggie Tales.

Here's Noah in the Pumpkin Patch looking for the perfect pumkin....which I'll have you know he never found.

In our house we like to play a little game called Where's Isaiah. Usually he is just in the excersaucer, his crib, or the bumbo chair...not this time. He really did come with us to the Pumpkin Patch and is in this picture somewhere. Where's Isaiah is played like Where's Waldo only he is missing the funny outfit and glasses. Can you find him? Good luck.

Isaiah...always smiling...especially when surrounded by dirt, bugs, weeds, and pumpkins. Don't worry, we immediately brushed him off and wiped him with a wet wipe (like I would let him stay dirty)!

Finally, the boys! How cute are they? They are by far the cutest and most wonderful boys in the world!

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Little Man

Isaiah is growing up and always wanting to stand and walk. His big cousin Brody had this cool Jeep walker and he gave it to Isaiah to use....he loves it! Of course, Noah is always along for the free ride!

Cutest Boys Ever

Noah and Isaiah decided to try on some halloween costumes today....we know it's a bit early but there appears to be some interest in "Spiderman" these days.

Earlier in the day Noah decided to make a quick trip to the store where he purchased one Isaiah....value "46". To Noah anything and everything are 46...we're not sure where the number came from.

Yesterday Noah and Isaiah decided to play at the activity table together. Isaiah spent most of the time laughing at Noah who was making goofy faces and noises.

Tuesday, August 07, 2007


We went on our first (and perhaps only) summer vacation this weekend up to my parents house and here are a few pictures from that trip. The first one is of Noah on the fence in my parents backyard. As you can see they have a pretty nice view of Okanagan Lake and Naramata. The other two of Isaiah and the boys were taken at the beach we found in Summerland. Noah loved it because there was the lake, a waterpark, and a playground all beside each other. Needless to say we spent two days there! We also celebrated Isaiah's 5 month birthday by going to Summerland Sweets for ice cream...he didn't get any of course but had fun anyways. We had a great time relaxing and going to the beach.

Friday, July 27, 2007

Waterpark Fun

This morning we went to the Waterpark with the neighbours Tonya and Jesse. The boys had fun jumping in the bouncy castle, running in the waterpark and eating ice cream. Not a bad way to spend the morning!

Monday, July 23, 2007

Our Boys

So, I bought the boys matching shirts....gush gush! They had penguins on them really how could I refuse?

Noah is doing his impression of Chicken Little with Grandpa's $2.99 glasses. Hopefully this won't ruin his vision.

Isaiah is such a happy guy, just like his brother was when he was little. Those smiles of his are so awesome.

They get along so well and there isn't anything Noah won't do for his little brother. So, the boys are doing great. Noah has some new favorite sayings like "Oh my sauces" and "Yes Sir". I have to admit there isn't a day that goes by where we aren't laughing at something he's done (mostly good things). The other day I told him I was going to do "Pilates in front of the tv". He asked me about 4 times if he could do it to. Of course I said yes and the next thing I knew he was peeing on our tv! After my initial yelling, he told me that he thought I said potty in front of the tv. This explains his asking me 4 times if he could do it to. Ooops, perhaps I should speak a little more clearly! As for Isaiah, he is doing great health wise. The Doctors can't believe he is doing as well as he is.... which makes me ask the question how should he be doing? We are just so blessed and thankful that he is doing so well and the worst is behind us. He even got two bottom teeth this week...a shocker for Greg and I since Noah didn't get any teeth till he was 9 months old. Well that is all for now, if we go anywhere or do anything this summer I will be sure to add some pics but aside from weekly trips to Mill Lake and trips to the Zoo we haven't done much.

Monday, June 18, 2007

The Boys

Hey everyone. Here are a couple of new pictures of the boys. This weekend Noah, Greg, Uncle Kyle, Auntie Kim, and Brody went to the BIG TRUCK show in Chilliwack. For those of you that don't know, Noah loves trucks (and diggers etc). Anyways, as you can see he even got to sit in one and he had a blast doing it. While everyone was at the truck show Isaiah and I hung out with my Mom and Dad who were down for the weekend.

This week Isaiah had a check-up at Childrens Hospital with the Renal Clinic (Kidney Doctors). Everything is good except they have noticed a little "puffy spot" in the middle of his kidney which wasn't there when he was born. This could be nothing but it could indicate that his urine is backing up into his kidney....which can mean that if he gets a bladder infection the likelihood of him getting a kidney infection is greater. Since he has only one kidney this could be bad. Anyways, they want to see him in 6 months and it is possible that he can outgrow this "puffy spot". I hope for the best but can't help but think the worst. Good thing I have Greg around who is always thinking positive. Isaiah also saw the pediatrician and he is quite happy with his progress and says he doesn't need to see him anymore...Yay! Now all that is left for Isaiah is check-ups with the surgeons and kidney doctors and sometime in the next year he will have his thumb fixed. For all the problems he has had he is doing great. He never stops smiling, cooing, and laughing.

Friday, May 25, 2007

Tubby Time

The boys (aka the Puppy and the Duck) had their first tubby together the other night. It lasted about 3 minutes because Isaiah just kept crying. Noah had enough and said "Mommy please take Zay out he is very loud!" Anyways, all is well here the boys are doing great. Isaiah is growing like a weed and is starting to look exactly like Noah did at his age. Noah is starting to look like a little boy and a spitting image of Greg at his age. So, it looks like I have 3 Gregs in my house. The boys get along great and Noah is able to entertain Isaiah by just looking at great for me!


It has been so nice lately we have been spending most of our days outside. Here are a couple of pictures of the boys.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007


Isaiah is a great baby. He sleeps all the time including 1030 - 700 at night, and when he isn't sleeping he's smiling!

Think they are brothers?

So, when Noah was 2 1/2 months old we took a picture of him wearing a Winnie the Pooh outfit and sitting in the his bouncy chair. The other day Isaiah was in the same outfit and in the same chair so we thought we would compare. Greg thought we should take a picture of both of them! We think they are spitting images of each other....except for the fact Noah has a rounder face in his picture....but, he is a month older. Anyways, we thought it was cute!

As you can tell we have a future Chef on our hands. Don't worry he was closely supervised and only singed one of his eyebrows!

Monday, April 09, 2007


Just wanted to post a couple of pictures of the brothers. Noah is doing great as a big brother, he is constantly getting Isaiah his soother when he cries and always wants to talk to him, hold him, and feed him (the holding and feeding lasts about 30 seconds but he wants to do it). As for Isaiah, he is doing remarkably well (in the words of the paediatrician and surgeon). They are both pleased with his progress. We are so thankful he is home, doing well, and so far there don't seem to be any major concerns. In June we have to take Isaiah in to have his one kidney checked to make sure it is growing like it should and as long as that comes back ok we're doing great. Isaiah is a joy to have around as he is cooing and smiling and almost laughing when you are talking to him and Noah is an awesome big brother who thinks the world of his little brother. Who knew having two boys in the house could be this much fun! Thank you everyone for your prayers and your love.

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Isaiah Cameron Falk

Isaiah Cameron Falk was born on Saturday March 3rd at 5:37 in the morning. He weighed 8 lbs 8 oz and was 22 inches long. As most everyone knows he came into this world with a few "issues". Before he was born there was some concern that he wasn't able to swallow as there was extra fluid in my belly. So, when he was born there was a pediatrician present who checked and sure enough there was a problem. Isaiah's feeding tube ended. It wasn't connected to his esophagus. Instead his esophagus was somehow attached to his trachea. Therefore, by 2:00 on Saturday afternoon Isaiah was going for his first ambulance ride to Children's Hospital. By 6:00 that night he was off to surgery to have his esophagus detached from his trachea and attached to his feeding tube. Well, to spare you all the rest of the details of the week I will sum it up by saying it's been an adventure! Isaiah came out of surgery and has been doing great ever since. There was never an infection or complications and yesterday they checked everything and it came back normal so his chest tube was taken out and Greg and I were finally able to hold him and feed him! Tears of joy! Yay! He does and will continue to have a few health problems but they are all manageable. For example, he will never be able to eat food upside down which means he won't be an astronaut and when he coughs he will sound like a seal and he will have to chew chew chew his food. And, for those of you that don't know he also has only one kidney, which isn't a big deal since it is a healthy one. He still has to have an x-ray of his spine done on Monday to rule out spina bifida but we pray that will come back negative. So, this is a "coles notes" version of the week so far. I am hoping that he will be able to come home on Monday (wishful thinking I am sure). They say as long as he is eating 75cc of formula properly with no problems he can come home and today (as of this morning) he was up to 25cc with them adding 5cc with every feed. Thanks everyone for your prayers and love during this stressful time. Please continue to pray that his x-ray will come back fine and he can come home SOON!
Love Greg, Becky, Noah, & Isaiah

Monday, January 08, 2007

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year Everybody! Just thought we would add a wonderful family shot from Christmas before it becomes outdated!

For Christmas Noah's Grandpa Rick made him this awesome train table. It was a ton of work for him but Noah sure does love it. Underneath there are two big bins on rollers that Noah can store his trains and cars and whatever else in that he wants. Thanks again Grandpa!