So, every year we take the (was kid now) kids to the pumpkin patch. This year we decided to go while it was still semi-warm and dry out. Who would have thought that would be more fun than cold and rainy? Anyways, we had a great time at the Apple Barn. There were about 10 other people there so it wasn't too crowded. We checked out the animals, the pumpkin patch, and the playground. Isaiah had a blast and so did Noah. We didn't get any sizeable pumpkins as Grandpa from Summerland is bringing some big pumpkins down (pictures to follow later) for the boys. We did get some mini-gourds and have named them Jimmy and Jerry...a la Veggie Tales.

Here's Noah in the Pumpkin Patch looking for the perfect pumkin....which I'll have you know he never found.

In our house we like to play a little game called Where's Isaiah. Usually he is just in the excersaucer, his crib, or the bumbo chair...not this time. He really did come with us to the Pumpkin Patch and is in this picture somewhere. Where's Isaiah is played like Where's Waldo only he is missing the funny outfit and glasses. Can you find him? Good luck.

Isaiah...always smiling...especially when surrounded by dirt, bugs, weeds, and pumpkins. Don't worry, we immediately brushed him off and wiped him with a wet wipe (like I would let him stay dirty)!

Finally, the boys! How cute are they? They are by far the cutest and most wonderful boys in the world!
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