Thursday, January 17, 2008

Photo Shoot

Our neighbour Anne has set up a "Photo Studio" in her basement and she needed some guinea pigs. So, I sent over my two pigs and look what happened? Anyways, here are my 3 favorite pictures from the shoot.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Winter Pictures

So, just before Christmas we had to take Isaiah to Childrens for an ultrasound and meeting with the Renal (Kidney) Doctors. Last year at this time we were hearing only bad news about Isaiah, so this year it was great to hear that his kidney is doing well! Yay! They say it is growing like it should be and is functioning well so we don't have to go back for a year. I must say this news made for a great Christmas. And, as you can see he looks great...even though he is sick all the time he is doing better than I had imagined. Zay has also started walking....well taking about 10 steps by himself. Unlike Noah he gets into everything and anything...Greg's poor TV is now used as a climbing post!

And here is Noah. He is a great kid who is growing like a weed. This year he understood what Christmas was...the birth of Jesus. He was a little disappointed though when he woke up on Christmas morning and Santa had already been here. Last year he saw Santa but this year Santa had already left?! Strange. Anywho, he had a great Christmas and was spoiled as usual. Just before Christmas he finished soccer and is now doing Gymnastics. He has only had one class but he loves it so far. Noah already writes his own name, knows all the letters and can write most of them, knows where he lives on a map (along with other places like Disneyland), and can count. It is getting harder to outsmart him. Looks like we are in trouble!

As I mentioned before, the boys had a great Christmas. Here they are wearing their new robes Santa brought them. They were spoiled. It even snowed on Christmas Day. For Noah's first Christmas it snowed up in Summerland and for Isaiah's first Christmas it snowed too. Fun. I dont' remember it ever snowing on Christmas when I was a kid.

We have had a ton of snow here lateley and here was one of the snow days. Greg and Noah built about an 8 foot high snowman in our front yard and here are the kids in front of it. Noah just got his own toboggan so it better snow again!