Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Two Thumbs Up!

So, as most of you know Isaiah was born with an extra "nub" on his right thumb. Well, we have been waiting a while for the surgery to remove that "nub". Two weeks ago we got a phone call telling us that they had space on Monday June 23rd....provided Isaiah wasn't sick. At the time he wasn't sick and hadn't been sick for a while so we jumped at the opportunity. Needless to say he was fine until Friday when he ended up with an ear infection and laryngitis. So, it was a weekend of worry as to whether they would do the surgery or not and how it would go, etc etc.Anyways, Isaiah walked in to Children's Hospital yesterday with three thumbs up and he came out with two thumbs up! Yay! This should hopefully conclude the surgery portion of Isaiah's life and end his chances of a career as a movie critic!

The surgery was supposed to take 1 hour and 20 minutes and it involved removing the extra bone and moving tendons and ligaments to the outside of his new thumb followed by a cast for 3 weeks. However, the surgery itself took only 45 minutes because when they started operating they realized he had two sets of tendons and ligaments so none needed to be moved. All they ended up doing was removing the bone and adding a bit of fat to the tip of his thumb to shape it better. Plus, instead of a cast for 3 weeks he only needs a bandage for 2-3 days which we can remove and then just cover the stitches with a band-aid. It was a relief to know that it went better than planned. An hour after his surgery we were on our way home and by the time we got home Isaiah was ready to eat! He ran around the rest of the day with Noah and the other kids and has shown no signs of pain in his thumb or anything. So far so good. Thanks everyone for your prayers and I will post pictures of his "new thumb" when the bandage comes off!



It was a long day so after a bunch of food and some playing the kids cuddled up on the couch to watch a show before supper. In this picture I asked Isaiah where his third thumb was and he's giving me the "I don't know" hand.