Monday, November 10, 2008

Christmas Craftin'

Well, Grandma may have 2 Christmas Trees up and decorated in her house but Julle, Noah, Isaiah and I have been craftin' and here are some of our treasures!

Here is a close-up of Noah's snowman.....I glued everything on but he picked it out and helped cut and style....anyway, only 45 more days to go so get busy everyone!


the reids said...

Love're so crafty...who says you're not creative?

The Falks said...

Yah, you think I'm creative! I love you! So, when you coming over to pick yours out?

the reids said...

Save me a blue one, I'll be right over.

The Falks said...

Sucker...I don't have a blue'll have to wait till I get more supplies then I will make you a blue one!

Anonymous said...

Those are so cute. How did you make them?

vange/rick said...

Finally got here - VERY cute! (but where is your tree?) :-)
Mom aka Grandma

The Falks said... make them with a washcloth, some beans, some buttons, fabric and a pipe's very simple. In fact, it's so simple a child can do it (ask Noah).