Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Leaf Gathering at the Abbey
A couple weeks ago after school one day, the boys and I went leaf gathering up at the Abbey. We had fun. Here are some pictures from our excursion.
Showing off the bountiful supply of leaves they collected along the way.
Monday, October 12, 2009
Whistler Weekend
So we went up to Whistler with Greg's parents this weekend and here are a few pictures from our trip. But, before we get to those pictures here is a picture of Noah's birthday cake.....a Canucks cake for a Canucks fan! It was his 5th birthday yesterday (Sunday) and we had a family Thanksgiving dinner as well as a birthday cake for the birthday boy. His party is on Friday and I will be sure to post some pictures.
A trip to Whistler isn't complete without a visit to Cows for ice cream and a ride on the cow. Of course it was FREEZING but that didn't deter the kids from the ice cream.
While we were up in Whistler it was the last weekend to ride the Peak 2 Peak Gondola which goes from Whistler to Blackcomb. We decided that since we had never done it before we would take the kids on it. It was amazing. It was cold but clear and you could see so much. Here are the boys on the Gondola up Whistler Mountain.
Here are the boys on the Peak 2 Peak Gondola waiting to go across to Blackcomb.
The boys and I on the Whistler Gondola. On the way down we were the only ones in our Gondola so we had the opportunity to do some fun pictures.
Greg had some crazy ideas......none of which we will discuss. This was the tamest of them all and it involved silly faces on the Gondola.
Here's Zay looking through the bottom of the Grey Peak 2 Peak Gondola. There are only 2 Grey Gondolas and they have glass bottoms so you can see the ground below. There was a wait for one but we decided to try it on the way back from Blackcomb to Whistler. It was pretty cool but boy are you high up!
Here are the boys at the top of Whistler playing in the snow! Brrrr!
We ate lunch in the restaurant at the top of Whistler mountain and here we found a giant Inukshuk. A tourist was kind enough to take our picture in front of only took him 4 tries to figure out how to use our camera! I think you can see the village in the background and Green Lake.
Just to the right of the Inukshuk when we exited the restaurant we saw a visitor.....a nice baby black bear. He's kind of hard to see in this picture but that's Isaiah's hat and to the left you can see the bear. Greg got some closer pictures than this but he was within about 8 feet of us. Finally an employee came out and scared him down the mountain a bit. On our Gondola ride across to Blackcomb though we saw him just a bit down the hill sitting by two work sheds. It was pretty neat.
Wednesday, October 07, 2009
Summer.....Part One!
So, here are just a few pictures of some of our adventures this summer. We did a ton of stuff this summer and there are too many pictures to add now (it's almost time to get Noah from school). Anyway, here are some of our summer adventures...more to follow when I get time!
While we were in Summerland one weekend we went to some amusement park in Penticton. There were quite a few fun rides. Both boys were able to go on the go-carts. Here are Isaiah and Grandpa taking a cruise around the track. Noah went with Greg.
Here are the boys resting during a gruelling game of mini-golf. It sure was hot this weekend. As ususal Isaiah is clowning around.
A trip to Summerland just isn't complete without a trip to Summerland Sweets. Noah tried "Moose Tracks" in this picture and ended up with a "Moose Track Moustache".
We also spent a fair bit of time at the lake of course. This year the lake was the warmest I have ever felt it. The boys were more into burrying themselves in the sand. Eventually they had to go in the clean off.
Grandma and Grandpa also bought all the boys fishing rods this year. So, after a little 4x4'ing in the Civic we found a little lake and the kids were able to do some fishing. No fish were caught but the boys had fun anyway.
At the end of Summer, while Greg was working, I took the boys up to Summerland for one last visit before school. During that trip we hiked up Giants Head Mountain. This is the view of Okanagan Lake and Summerland from just above my parents house.
We also visited Grandma at work and the boys were able to climb up onto the dump truck sitting outside her office.....I think this may have been the hi-light of the trip.
The boys picked peaches from the orchard next door. Here is my artistic attempt of picture taking. Fun!
Noah was more into eating than picking. I think in total he ate 6 peaches before we made it back to my parents house.
The boys also got in a good jeep ride while we were there. Both of them love the jeep and so they had fun.
So, it's official, Noah is in school now. Here he is on his first day of school. He LOVES SCHOOL. He goes everyday from 8:30 until 11:00. I don't think he learns anything but has fun playing with all his friends anyway.
Here is Zay in his "New to him" Pumpkin Costume. He looks pretty scary!
In the jungle the mighty jungle the lion sleeps tonight! Noah, all tuckered out after a day of school and playing with his friends.
Okay, so these are the best goodie bag gifts ever. My kids have had so much fun with these it isn't even funny.....or is it? What a ham!
Noah had to get in on the glasses action too....only he looks like a goomba and it's obvious he can't be serious for even one moment!
So there you have it, photos from the second half of our summer.....the first half photos will be along shortly but now I must go get Noah from school.
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