Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas

We woke up this Christmas Eve Morning to a crazy amount of snow....and since then there has been about 15 centimeters more. In some spots the snow is over 2 1/2 feet deep. Yikes. We were supposed to go to Summerland today for Christmas but due to the weather we are unable to make it. So, for those of you up in Summerland with only a couple of inches of snow this is dedicated to you.....and Kyle and Kim.....enjoy shoveling on Friday when you get home! We love you guys and we will miss you! Please don't eat all the cabbage rolls and perogies! But, more importantly to anyone out there who reads this blog Merry Christmas!

The boys on the deck first thing in the morning. It doesn't look that impressive but the snow is actually as high as our deck and it is coming down like crazy.

Instead of the three wise men I have the three shoveling men. I knew I had boys for a reason!

Noah heading into the backyard, wading through snow up to his waist. He has been outside twice so far and lasted a fair bit in the snow. He really enjoys tobogganing down the lane. However, I think Greg, our neighbour Anne and I have more fun than the kids.

Zay always willing to pitch in and lend a hand when it comes to shovelling the driveway and sidewalk. He is not so in to tobogganing but loves being outside in the snow and cries when we drag him inside.

Finally, the view from the top of the lane looking down on our house. This was in the morning.
Since then over 15 centimeters of snow have been added to the piles.
Merry Christmas to everyone!
Love Greg, Becky, Noah, and Isaiah

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Super Kidney!

So, yesterday we spent 3 hours driving in the snow to Childrens Hospital (and 3 hours back) for Isaiah's yearly kidney check-up. I must say this trip was worth the terrible drive. When we got there we took him for an ultrasound then we headed off to the Renal Clinic to meet up with the doctors who reviewed his ultrasound findings. The Doctor came in and announced that Isaiah has a "Super Kidney!" He is so pleased and so happy with the growth and development of Isaiah and his kidney that he doesn't want to see him anymore! Yay! Apparently kids his age who have two kidneys should have 5 to 6 centimeter kidneys. Isaiah's kidney is 8.3 centimeters which for someone with one kidney is amazing. It had grown 0.3 centimeters in one year which was really good (according to the doctor). So, now all we need to do is take him once a year to our family doctor for a urine test (which detects blood and protein in urine and therefore kidney failure) and a blood pressure test (which can also detect kidney failure). Therefore, it seems like our trips to Childrens may be coming to an end. Other than the once every three years when we are supposed to go and see the surgeon who fixed Zay's esophagus/trachea. We are so thankful for Childrens Hospital and everything they have done for Isaiah. It is an amazing place and without it who knows where we would be. So, Isaiah is doing wonderfully and thank you to everyone who has prayed for him in his short little worked!

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!

So, it finally snowed! Yay! I love the snow as long as you don't have to drive in it. Here are the boys getting ready for their big "adventure" (as Noah calls it). We don't have to go far to go sledding. If you look behind the boys there is a gap between houses (right above Zay's head). Anyway, there is a lane there that never gets plowed and no one uses in the snow because it is impossible to get up. So, we use it as a toboggan run. You get going so good that you can go down the lane and down our street (we live halfway up a hill). Noah was going so good yesterday he went down the lane and 6 houses down the street. It was impressive. But here they are. And for those of you who are curious I didn't buy them matching snowsuits...the only one in Zay's size happened to be orange and blue and Noah's was bought last year!

Here are Elliot (in the lead) and Greg heading up the lane with the kids. It was pretty slippery, Greg even fell once climbing better believe I laughed!

Here are Zay and Greg on their way past me at the bottom of the Lane. Zay wasn't too sure about tobogganing because it was windy and the snow was blowing in his face. He did go down 5 or 6 times though so it couldn't be all that bad.

Here is Fry (Noah) climbing up the lane with his sled. We thought he would get tired but he didn't and we had to bribe him with hot chocolate so he would come in....3 1/2 hours later!

So, Zay wasn't much into the tobogganing but he had prime seats to watch all the action. I think he liked the snow though because when it was time to go inside he refused and cried. But it was time...I was cold!

Monday, December 15, 2008

Falk Family Fotos

So it's been awhile...okay, a whole year, since we have taken a family picture. Our neighbour and friend Anne is very good at taking pictures so she took some of the family the other day. Here are some of our favorites.

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Letter to Santa

So, Noah wanted to write a letter to Santa Claus this year. In his Christmas colouring book there was a page dedicated to just that. Anyway, I was in the basement and he came downstairs with the book and announced "Mommy I wrote Dear Santa in my book, can you show me how to spell Operation?" So, not only had he read that it said "Dear Santa", he had already copied it out and wanted more to write. I mean, I always knew he was smart but reading and writing already! Wow! Well, I wrote out what he wanted to say and he copied it. I was so proud I photocopied it before we mailed the original off to the North Pole. Here it is below. He didn't quite get the "leave spaces between words lesson" and his "g" is backwards but I think it's pretty awesome for a four year old. It reads:

Dear Santa
I want the Operation Game for Christmas
Love Noah

This is really all he wants for Christmas. I know it's shocking but if you ask him what else he wants he says nothing. What a great kid! Makes shopping easy.

Here's Noah posing with his letter. I think he is pretty proud of it too.

The boys really wanted their picture taken so here it is. They are so awesome!