So I had to put this picture up because it is super cute. Here is Isaiah eating his cereal at my parents house...he only needs 4 phone books to reach the counter! Think his bowl is big enough? His bib even reaches his ankle. Look at how big my baby is!

Here are Isaiah and I at the beach in Penticton. He wasn't so sure about the water. Maybe next time though he'll be brave and go in.

This is the clematis in our backyard. Greg is pretty proud of how many flowers it has and how big it is. So, for all you flower lovers here you go.

Here's our palm tree. It doesn't look very big in this picture but it's about 5 1/2 feet tall already. This is pretty good since we've had it since it was about 1 foot tall. Next time (when my memory card isn't full) I'll be sure to add a picture of the Falks 1st ever vegetable garden that is producing plenty of tasty treats.

Last but not least here is a shot of Isaiah carrying the corner flags back to the sideline after Greg's soccer game.
Yay, lots & lots of awesome pictures! Thanks!!
Two comments on the first picture of Isaiah and his cereal... (1) He must take after his second cousin Levi, because Levi has used a bowl at least that big for several years now...can't get enough Cheerios! (2)You should use Toronto telephone books, and you'd only need one. :)
Yes, he is growing up, and so cute!
Here's a test comment. I tried to omit the "&" from our name -- not sure how that happened.
I always enjoy your updates, watching your boys growing up. Shirley
How cute is that little Isaiah, carrying those flags..big helper!! Your garden is awesome must have some "magic" in the soil. Great to see new pictures.
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