As usual, Auntie Cindi made an awesome cake for the party. It wouldn't be a Sesame Street party without a Cookie Monster cake now would it?
Here is the Little....or should I say Big Man enjoying his first taste of cake. Most of this piece ended up on the floor but he had fun and surprisingly his shirt stayed white!
Now that he is one we thought he was ready to try sleeping in a Big Boy Bed. Who knew the transition would be so easy! We left his crib up for a couple of nights but he never needed it. He loves his Big Boy Bed. Noah has "lent" his very special blue blankie to help Isaiah sleep. I know, his cherished blue blankie....what a brother! Anyways, he's doing well, he wakes up at about 7:30 in the morning and starts banging on his door so we can let him out! I guess it's almost time for another......ha ha!
wow - a big boy bed!! they grow up sooo fast hey?!!
A year much fun. I caught that time for another one!!!
We look forward to seeing you and your Big Boys soon.
Oops I guess I had to add our name to that last comment. Ger & Shirley
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