This morning we woke up early (well 8:00) and Noah heard jingle bells coming from upstairs. So we all went upstairs and guess who we saw just finishing...Santa Claus! Noah was very excited. He paused at the top of the stairs and just kept saying "Santa Claus". He finally went into the family room when he found out Santa had something for him. Santa gave him a couple of presents before taking off to finish all his deliveries but not before posing for a few pictures and eating the snack Noah left out for him. So you know, we tried to get Noah to sit on Santas knee but he would have none of that. Anyways, Christmas so far has been wonderful....spoiled as usual! Can't wait for turkey, perogies, and cabbage rolls this evening! Merry Christmas Everyone!
Hey Rob, looks like you've put on a few pounds...nice outfit though!
Looks like Noah is about to perform a tracheotomy on himself with that drill. Is that a Santa sleeping bag? Looks fun! See you soon.
still waiting for the train table post...Mom
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