In the past month we have done a couple of things. One of them was this trip to Chuck E Cheese with Grandma and Grandpa from Mission and Auntie Cindi, Olivia, Sabrina, and Malcolm. Noah and Isaiah both had a ton of fun riding all the rides. The Reid kids had fun too. I think Malcolm had the most fun just putting money into the rides and then getting off....before the ride was over.

We also decided to surprise Grandma from Summerland by showing up at her house a couple of days before her birthday. She was surprised to see me and the kids when we showed up at her work. Greg didn't come....something about a job and work! One of the things we did while we were there was go bowling....or in Noah's words "Bowlering". He had so much fun and scored 86 all by himself with no help. My Mom, Dad, and I also benefitted from the pool noodle bumpers they had in the gutters though we still threw gutter balls...go figure!

Noah figured no birthday was complete without a cake....so, here he is making Grandma a chocolate (his pick) cake. I think his help ended after the batter eating with a face only a mother could love!

Isaiah took a trip to Grandma and Grandpa's as an opportunity to snuggle up in their bed. I think it is a lot warmer and more comfy than his crib.

Well, we came back from Summerland on a Friday and on Saturday Noah had his weekly gymnastics class. He is pretty good at gymnastics.....as is the case with all the sports he tries. Here he is on the pommel horse holding himself up. Noah quite enjoys gymnastics just like he did soccer. As for Isaiah, he is doing well....sick again but other than that he is doing well. That is all from us for now.