My two trick-or-treaters on Halloween....Spiderman and Leo the Lion! Surrounded by their huge pumpkins grown by Grandpa from Summerland. Thanks Grandpa.
Noah's favorite thing to do now when Isaiah wakes up in the morning or after his nap is go and climb in with him. By the time I get there this is what they are doing. Isaiah is smiling....yes, he smiles with his mouth wide open and Noah likes to copy him.
The boys got some new "Winter Jammies". Noah picked Diego (shocking) and Isaiah....well, I picked his because they were cute....tool jammies with a toolbelt stuffed with a drill and hammer. FUN!
So, Christmas is almost here and not much is new with us. Noah is playing soccer and after a couple of rough weeks where he wouldn't participate he is now doing everything and having a great time. I'm not going to lie, he is by far the best 3 year old out there hands down! As for Isaiah, he is doing great. He just got over a bout of pneumonia (which may be common for him in the next couple of years) but is doing great otherwise. About a month ago he started cruising along furniture, crawling, and walking with someone while only holding one hand. I'm not sure he will walk by 9 months like Noah did but you never know....this kid is determined.