Hey everyone. Here are a couple of new pictures of the boys. This weekend Noah, Greg, Uncle Kyle, Auntie Kim, and Brody went to the BIG TRUCK show in Chilliwack. For those of you that don't know, Noah loves trucks (and diggers etc). Anyways, as you can see he even got to sit in one and he had a blast doing it. While everyone was at the truck show Isaiah and I hung out with my Mom and Dad who were down for the weekend.
This week Isaiah had a check-up at Childrens Hospital with the Renal Clinic (Kidney Doctors). Everything is good except they have noticed a little "puffy spot" in the middle of his kidney which wasn't there when he was born. This could be nothing but it could indicate that his urine is backing up into his kidney....which can mean that if he gets a bladder infection the likelihood of him getting a kidney infection is greater. Since he has only one kidney this could be bad. Anyways, they want to see him in 6 months and it is possible that he can outgrow this "puffy spot". I hope for the best but can't help but think the worst. Good thing I have Greg around who is always thinking positive. Isaiah also saw the pediatrician and he is quite happy with his progress and says he doesn't need to see him anymore...Yay! Now all that is left for Isaiah is check-ups with the surgeons and kidney doctors and sometime in the next year he will have his thumb fixed. For all the problems he has had he is doing great. He never stops smiling, cooing, and laughing.