Isaiah Cameron Falk was born on Saturday March 3rd at 5:37 in the morning. He weighed 8 lbs 8 oz and was 22 inches long. As most everyone knows he came into this world with a few "issues". Before he was born there was some concern that he wasn't able to swallow as there was extra fluid in my belly. So, when he was born there was a pediatrician present who checked and sure enough there was a problem. Isaiah's feeding tube ended. It wasn't connected to his esophagus. Instead his esophagus was somehow attached to his trachea. Therefore, by 2:00 on Saturday afternoon Isaiah was going for his first ambulance ride to Children's Hospital. By 6:00 that night he was off to surgery to have his esophagus detached from his trachea and attached to his feeding tube. Well, to spare you all the rest of the details of the week I will sum it up by saying it's been an adventure! Isaiah came out of surgery and has been doing great ever since. There was never an infection or complications and yesterday they checked everything and it came back normal so his chest tube was taken out and Greg and I were finally able to hold him and feed him! Tears of joy! Yay! He does and will continue to have a few health problems but they are all manageable. For example, he will never be able to eat food upside down which means he won't be an astronaut and when he coughs he will sound like a seal and he will have to chew chew chew his food. And, for those of you that don't know he also has only one kidney, which isn't a big deal since it is a healthy one. He still has to have an x-ray of his spine done on Monday to rule out spina bifida but we pray that will come back negative. So, this is a "coles notes" version of the week so far. I am hoping that he will be able to come home on Monday (wishful thinking I am sure). They say as long as he is eating 75cc of formula properly with no problems he can come home and today (as of this morning) he was up to 25cc with them adding 5cc with every feed. Thanks everyone for your prayers and love during this stressful time. Please continue to pray that his x-ray will come back fine and he can come home SOON!
Love Greg, Becky, Noah, & Isaiah